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The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has issued a recruitment notification for the positions of Constable (General Duty), Sepoy, and Rifleman (General Duty) on its official website. 39481 recruitment vacancies have been announced in various Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs). The online registration link for SSC Constable (GD) is active from 5th September, with the application deadline set for 14th October.

Important Dates

Some important dates for the SSC (GD) Constable Examination are as follows:-



Release of notification

September 5, 2024

Dates for submission of online applications

September 5, 2024- October 14, 2024

Last date and time for receipt of online applications

October 14, 2024 (23:00)

Last date and time for making online fee payment

October 15, 2024 (23:00)

Correction of Application Date

November 5-7, 2024

Schedule of Computer-Based Examination

January- February, 2025

Download Notifications PDF

Download Notifications PDF

Selection Process

The selection process for the SSC Constable (GD) is as follows:-

  • Computer Based Examination
  • Physical Standard Test
  • Physical Efficiency Test
  • Medical Examination
  • Document Verification

Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for SSC Constable (GD) are as follows:

  • Education Qualification – As per SSC Constable (GD), the candidates must have passed the Matriculation or 10th Class Examination from a recognized Board/ University.

NCC Certificate Holders will be awarded some quality marks:-

  1. NCC ’C’ Certificate- 5% of maximum marks
  2. NCC ‘B’ Certificate- 3% of maximum marks
  3. NCC ‘A’ Certificate- 2% of maximum marks

Age LimitThe age limit as prescribed by the SSC is Minimum of 18 years and maximum of 23 years on January 1, 2025. And the age relaxation would be given as prescribed by the government.

Syllabus & Exam Pattern

  • Negative Marking- There is a negative marking of 0.25 marks for every incorrect answer in the SSC (GD) Constable examination.
  • Time Duration- The SSC (GD) Constable examination will be conducted in 60 minutes.
  • No. of Questions:- The number of questions in the SSC (GD) Constable examination will consist of 80 questions
  • Types of Questions-  The SSC (GD) Constable Examination will be conducted in Multiple Choice Questions
  • Mode of Exam:-  The SSC (GD) Constable examination will be conducted in online mode. It is a Computer Based Examination
  • Qualifying Marks:- The qualifying marks for the SSC (GD) Constable are as follows:-

1. Unreserved- 30%

2. OBC/EWS- 25%

3. All other Categories- 20%

Computer Based Examination:



Number of Questions

Maximum Marks

Duration/ Time Allowed


General Intelligence and Reasoning




     60 minutes


General Knowledge and General Awareness




Elementary Mathematics




English/ Hindi







60 minute

Physical Standard Test (PST):

Physical Standards for the posts are as follows:





170 cm

157 cms


Un-expanded: 80 cms
Minimum expansion: 5 cm

Not required


Proportionate to height and age as per medical standards.

Physical Efficiency Test (PET):

Candidates have to clear the race within the following time limits:







5 Km in 24 minutes.

1.6 km in 8 ½ minutes

For candidates other than those belonging to the Ladakh Region.

1.6 km in 6 ½ minutes

800 metres in 4 minutes

For candidates of Ladakh Region.

Medical Examination

 In Medical inspection of candidates the principle points to be attended to, are as under that:

  • the candidate is sufficiently intelligent (Any defect may be observed during the examination).
  • his bearing is good and there is no sign of disease of the ear, nose, and throat.
  • his vision with either eye is up to the required standard, his eyes are bright, clear, and with no obvious squint, nystagmus, or other abnormality. Movement of eyeballs should be full and free in all directions.
  • his speech is without impediment.
  • he has no glandular swelling.
  • his chest is well formed, and his heart and lungs are sound.
  • his limbs are well-formed and fully developed.
  • there is free and perfect action of all the joints.
  • his feet and toes are well-formed.
  • he has no congenital malformation or defects.
  • he does not bear traces of previous acute or chronic diseases pointing to an impaired constitution.
  • he possesses a sufficient number of sound teeth for efficient mastication.
  • he has no disease of the genitor-urinary tract.


The Syllabus for SSC Constable (GD):-

  • General Intelligence and Reasoning: Analytical aptitude and ability to observe and distinguish patterns will be tested through questions principally of non-verbal type. This component may include questions on analogies, similarities and differences, spatial visualization, spatial orientation, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship concepts, arithmetical reasoning and figural classification, arithmetic number series, non-verbal series, coding and decoding, etc.
  • General Knowledge and General Awareness: Questions in this component will be aimed at testing the candidate’s general awareness of the environment around him. Questions will also be designed to test knowledge of current events and such matters of everyday observations and experience in their scientific aspect as may be expected of any educated person. The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighboring countries, especially about sports, History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene, General Polity, Indian Constitution, and Scientific Research, etc. These Questions will be such that they do not require a special study of any discipline.
  • Elementary Mathematics: This paper will include questions on problems relating to Number Systems, Computation of Whole Numbers, Decimals and Fractions and the relationship between Numbers, Fundamental arithmetical operations, Percentages, Ratio and Proportion, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, Mensuration, Time and Distance, Ratio and Time, Time and Work, etc.
  • English/ Hindi: Candidates’ ability to understand basic English/ Hindi and their basic comprehension would be tested.

Exam Analysis

As per the review obtained from students, the level of the SSC GD exam was easy to moderate. A total of 80 questions were asked to be attempted in 60 minutes.

Examination Section

No. of Questions

Good Attempts

General Intelligence and Reasoning



General Knowledge and General Awareness



Elementary Mathematics









Admit Card

To download the SSC Constable GD Admit Card, you can follow the below steps:

  • Visit the official website of the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) at http://ssc.nic.in.
  • Click on the "Admit Card" tab on the homepage.
  • Select the region you have applied for.
  • Enter your registration number/roll number and date of birth/password in the required fields.
  • Click on the "Submit" button.
  • Your SSC Constable GD Admit Card will appear on the screen.
  • Download and take a printout of the admit card for future reference.

Note: Make sure to check all the details mentioned on the admit card such as your name, registration number, exam center, date, and time of the exam. If you find any discrepancy in the admit card, immediately contact the SSC regional office for necessary corrections.


The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) releases the SSC GD Result on its official website after conducting the exam. The SSC GD Result will be announced in various stages such as computer-based test, physical efficiency test and medical examination.

To check the SSC GD Result, you can follow the below steps:

  • Visit the official website of the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) at http://ssc.nic.in.
  • Click on the "Result" tab on the homepage.
  • Select the SSC GD exam from the list of exams.
  • The result will be available in the form of a PDF file.
  • You can search for your roll number in the PDF file to know your result.
  • If your roll number is present in the PDF file, it means you have qualified for the next stage of the exam.

Cut Off

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) releases the SSC GD Constable Cut Off marks along with the result. The cut off marks are released separately for different categories such as General, OBC, SC, ST and EWS.
Here are the expected SSC GD Constable Cut Off marks for the Previous year :


Expected Cut Off Marks (out of 100)





All other categories


Answer Key

The candidates can check the SSC Constable (GD )Examination 2024 Answer Key by following the below-mentioned steps:

  • Visit the official website of SSC (https://ssc.gov.in.) or click on the link shared above.
  • Click on the Answer Key tab.
  • The answer keys to the question booklets will only be available online.
  • Enter the roll number and birth date as password and download the right answer key.
  •  It will contain the correct responses to the exam questions.
  • Students have the option to print out or save the document for later use.

Preparation Tips

Here are some tips on How to prepare for SSC Constable GD exam:

Understand the Exam Pattern: Before starting your preparation, understand the exam pattern and syllabus of the SSC Constable GD exam. This will help you in planning your preparation strategy.

Make a Study Plan: Prepare a study plan that includes a proper timetable, subject-wise preparation, revision and mock tests. This will help you in covering the entire syllabus and in a systematic manner.

Improve your General Knowledge: The SSC Constable GD exam includes questions from General Awareness, General Knowledge and Current Affairs. Read newspapers, magazines and other relevant study material to improve your general knowledge.

Practice Previous Year Question Papers: Practice solving previous year question papers and mock tests. This will help you in understanding the exam pattern and in improving your time management skills.

Improve your Physical Fitness: The SSC Constable GD exam also includes a physical efficiency test. Improve your physical fitness by exercising regularly, doing running, jumping and other physical activities.

Focus on your Weak Areas: Identify your weak areas and focus on improving them. Seek help from mentors or teachers if required.

Stay Motivated: Stay motivated throughout your preparation by setting small achievable goals, rewarding yourself and visualizing success.

Apply Online

  • Applications must be submitted online mode at the official website of the Commission i.e. https://ssc.nic.in.
  • In the online Application Form, candidates are required to upload the scanned color passport-size photograph in JPEG format (20 KB-50 KB).
  • The photograph should not be more than three months old from the date of publication of the Notice of Examination.
  • The image dimension of the photograph should be about 3.5 cm (width) x 4.5 cm (height). The photograph should be without cap, spectacles and frontal view of the face should be visible.
  • Before submission of the online application, candidates must check that they have filled correct details in each field of the form.
  •  After submission of the online application form, no change/correction/modification will be allowed under any circumstances.
  • Requests received in this regard in any form like Post, Fax, Email, by hand, etc. shall not be entertained.


What is SSC Constable GD?
SSC Constable GD is a recruitment exam conducted by the Staff Selection Commission to recruit candidates for the post of Constable (General Duty) in various paramilitary forces and armed forces of the Indian Government.

How can I prepare for SSC Constable GD?
Candidates can prepare for SSC Constable GD by following the exam pattern and syllabus, practicing previous year question papers and mock tests and staying updated with the latest current affairs.

What is the pay scale for SSC Constable GD?
Pay Level–1(Rs.18,000 to 56,900) for the post of Sepoy in NCB and Pay Level-3 (Rs. 21,700-69,100) for all others posts.

When will the SSC Constable GD exam be conducted?
The tentative dates for the SSC Constable (GD) exam is January-February, 2025 Keep checking the official website of the Staff Selection Commission for updates.

What is the application fee for the SSC Constable GD exam?
The application fee for the SSC Constable GD exam is Rs. 100. However, women candidates and candidates belonging to reserved categories are exempted from paying the application fee.

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