The Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC) has released the latest notification for the recruitment of 283 Draftsman and Cartographer posts on December 14,2023. This vacancies have been announced under the Irrigation and Water Resources Department of the Uttar Pradesh government. Candidates with a Draftsman's certificate are eligible for this post. The selection of candidates for the UPSSSC Draftsman post will be based on a Preliminary Eligibility Test, and written examination.
The eligible Preliminary Eligibility Test (PET)-2022 qualified candidates can apply online for the UPSSSC Draftsman (250 posts) and Cartographer (33 posts) Mains Exam 2023-2024 from the website starting from 18 December 2023.
Important Dates
Application Fee
Age limit as on 01/07/2023
The age of the candidates applying for the post of UPSSSC Draftsman must be as follows -
Candidates are required to apply online by using the official website